Nurse Allison's Corner.


Hello! My name is Allison Ormond and I am the school nurse at Pamlico County Primary School. I was born and raised in eastern North Carolina, where I graduated from Pamlico County High School. I continued my education at East Carolina University where I obtained my Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) with a concentration in Nursing Education. I obtained my National Board Certification in School Nursing in 2018. As a registered nurse, I strive to promote health and education to our community's youth. Because of this, my door is always open! Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have regarding your child's health.


** Click around in the Virtual Clinic to discover more information and resources! **

Important Information & Dates

  • August 26, 2024: First Day of School! 
  • September 24, 2024: 30-Day Deadline for Health Assessments/Immunizations 
  • June 6, 2025: Last Day of School; Early Dismissal!

Illness and Resources 


We are here for you!  Information on available community resources to assist your family this time may be obtained by contacting me or our school social worker, Mari Robinson. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us via email.  


Now is a great time to discuss the importance of proper hand hygiene with your family.  Please review the Hand Hygiene PowerPoint Presentation below and use it as a guide for you and your family. 
To learn more about the Coronavirus (COVID-19), please visit:
There have been cases of the flu, strep throat, and several viruses in Pamlico County, NC. Please remember the importance of proper hand hygiene! If you need a refresher or a reference on how to perform proper hand hygiene, please see the PowerPoint Presentation below. It is also very important to clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects. Thank you for helping keep our school such a clean, safe, and healthy environment! 
**Remember: Students may NOT return to school until...
they have been fever-free for greater than 24 hours, without the aid of medicine.**
Local Resources:
203 North Street
PO Box 306
Bayboro, NC 28515


Pre-K & Kindergarten Health Assessments


Each preschool and kindergarten student must submit a completed "Health Assessment Form" before they can attend school. This assessment is a requirement and it is very beneficial for your child's health and wellbeing. The health assessment provides us with information regarding your child's medical status/history which will help us to better serve them and their needs while they are at school.



Please make sure that your child's immunization record is complete and up-to-date. Each and every student must have their immunization record complete and up-to-date before they attend school. North Carolina law requires school systems to have this documentation on all students; there will be no exceptions for this deadline. For more information regarding immunizations, you can contact your child's doctor and/or visit the North Carolina Health and Human Services website at




Our school has a written policy to assure the safe administration of medication to students during the school day. If your child must have medication of any type given during school hours, including over-the-counter drugs, you have the following choices:

  1. You may come to school and give the medication to your child at the appropriate time(s). 
  2. You may obtain a copy of the medication form from the school nurse, or print the "Authorization of Medication Form" below. Take this form to your child's doctor and have him/her complete the form by listing medication(s) needed, dosage, and number of times per day the medication is to be administered. The form must be completed by the doctor for both prescription and over-the-counter drugs. The form must be signed by the doctor and you, the parent, or guardian. Prescription medications must be brought to school in a pharmacy-labeled bottle which contains instructions on how and when the medication is to be given. Over-the-counter drugs must be received in the original container and will be administered according to the doctor's written instructions.
  3. You may discuss an alternative schedule for administering medications with your child's doctor.

Please keep in mind that students are NOT to transport medication to or from school. An adult must bring the medication to the school office and "sign" it in/out.


School personnel will not administer any medication to students unless they have received a medication form properly completed and signed by both the doctor and parent/guardian, and the medication has been received in an appropriate labeled contained. In fairness to those giving the medication and to protect the safety of your child, there will be no exceptions to this policy.


If you have any questions about the policy, or other issues related to the administration of medication in schools, please contact Allison Ormond at 252-745-3404. 




If your child has any allergies, please make sure that it has been documented on the "Student Emergency Information" Form at the beginning of the year. If you are not sure if an allergy has been properly documented or if a new allergy has been diagnosed, please contact Allison Ormond at 252-745-3404.



Food Allergies


If your child has any food allergies that we need to be aware of, please review, complete, and submit the "Food Allergies - Medical Statement Form" to ensure that we are able to provide the appropriate accommodations. You may obtain a copy of the food allergy form from the school nurse, or print the "Food Allergies - Medical Statement Form" below.



Pamlico County Primary Schools strives to provide the best education for each and every student. In order for children to learn, they must be healthy! I have put together a few educational materials that you can review in order to optimize your child's health! Please click the following file(s) to learn more.